Speak to the mountains, it’s time to move! We all have mountains that threaten to obstruct /destruct our lives. I dont think any human lives without mountains. Mountains can be habits, addictions. relationships or maybe debt. Some of our mountains are self made and seem impossible to change.
This last week I have been confronted by some fears and anxieties that I seemed helpless to change. And before me was presented a choice…
Lay down and give in … or rise up and take back ground.
Sometimes all it takes is to just stand up and shout at that mountain and tell it to move out of my way… Im coming through. Feeling like it or not… As soon as I rose up and faced my fears the Holy Spirit meet me with fire! Within moments the problems began to crumble and diminish . When I stopped agreeing with the mountain and started to kick it down with the Truth!…. It’s time we stopped bowing to our feelings, being led astray by our thoughts and started to live like who we really are. Sons and daughters of the most high.
120cm x 120cm oil on canvas
Because this piece is so large it will be available unstretched only. This is for postage reasons. The price listed here is for unstretched and will be posted in a roll. If you are in Australia and would like it stretched on a wooden frame , I can do that but there will be an addotional cost of $250 to cover my framers fee. I can also arrange for a box frame to be made if required. But thos option is only for Australain customers. Postage free
If you are International then I am happy to post it unstretched in a roll.
Please do not hestitate to contact me if you have any questions.
#mountains #speaktothemountain#faith moves Mountains
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